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November 15, 2004 -

Bah hum bug. Why is it so hard for some people to help others? Especially when it comes to family members?
I had left stuff at my parents� house yesterday night. One of the items was a knitting book that I wanted to use last night. There were also bills that I need to send out. Well I called my mom last night and she said she would bring it out to my work today. My dad was actually the one to do so and he gave me shit for it. They live 3 � miles from my work. Why is it so hard for them to do this?? He thought I should use my lunch break to go to their house. It would take me almost the whole half hour to go there and back due to all the lights and traffic. I guess I should have just waited until next week to pick it up. I know it�s only 3 miles from my work � but it�s a pain in the butt to get there during rush hour. It�s west of where I am and I need to go north to pick up Michael. I would barely make it in time to pick him up. And I have a gym appointment tonight. Whine whine whine. Maybe I am a petty person.

Enough of that.

If you email me and would like a response, please include a valid email address to respond to. I tried responding to someone and it got bounced back to me.

I�m having issues at work with a co-worker. I�ve talked it to death with family members and co-workers, so I don�t have the desire to rehash it here. Suffice it to say, I am not the only one with negative feelings and hopefully this will open her eyes to how she comes across to others.


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